GH International


Sep 10 2014

International Disaster Conference 2015 Announces Call for Papers

The International Disaster Conference & Expo (IDCE) is currently accepting papers for its annual conference program, taking place February 10-12, 2015 at the New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center. Papers should address topics relevant to emergency management, homeland security, first response, loss mitigation, business continuity, restoration and remediation, and all disciplines falling within the disaster preparation, response, recovery, and mitigation cycle. 

Aug 7 2014

G&H Supports the NISC at White House Event

On July 29, oh behalf of the NISC, our team co-facilitated a workshop at the White House that explored how social media can be used to improve situational awareness and emergency response efforts. 

Jul 8 2014

Social Media Bill Moves to House Floor

This bill, sponsored by Rep. Susan Brooks (R-IN), amends the Homeland Security Act of 2002 and legislates the existence of the Virtual Social Media Working Group 

Jul 3 2014

New Social Media Resource: Using Social Networking in University Emergency Communications

A paper by Sara Estes Cohen, MPP, examines the communication strategies leveraged by universities in emergency situations. 

Jul 3 2014

Virtual Social Media Working Group Report Released

The much-anticipated Virtual Social Media Working Group (VSMWG) report, Using Social Media for Enhanced Situaitional Awareness and Decision Support, was released on July 1. 

Jun 19 2014

NASCIO Report Tracks States’ Planning Strategies for FirstNet

State governments are taking divergent approaches to planning and varied strategies for engaging with federal and local partners for the First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet), according to a report from the National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO). 

Jun 18 2014

Does wearable tech have a future in the federal government?

While federal agencies haven’t yet reached a tipping point for the devices’ use, optimism for a future filled with wearables seems plentiful.  

Jun 12 2014

Wearable Technology for First Responders?

Current innovation in wearable technology may enable first responders to stream tactical data to someone in the field.  

Jun 3 2014

FirstNet’s Upcoming LTE System Demonstration in Adams County, CO

Adams County will be the first to demonstrate a new LTE system that will be part of the Public Safety Broadband Network 

May 19 2014

FREE Online Training for First Responders

International Medical Corps (IMC), Concern Worldwide, Harvard Humanitarian Initiative, and U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) have teamed up and developed a FREE online training for emergency responders with the help of 400 practitioners and is designed to work on low-bandwidth net connections. 

May 16 2014

DHS Holds Data Sharing Workshop on Developing Solutions for Better Practices in Data Sharing

On March 19-20, 2014, DHS S&T Office of University Programs and the National Center for Border Security and Immigration, a DHS S&T Center of Excellence (COE), co-hosted a workshop to ensure that "potential challenges with regard to data reliability, accessibility, and availability are reviewed and understood before approving Centers of Excellence R&D projects.”  

May 15 2014

How Information Flows During Emergencies

Read about a new study that analyzes mobile communication behavior and its implications for the way information spreads during extraordinary events.