Ten Years of Social Media: What I’ve Learned Since Katrina
This week, we celebrate the 10th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. Since 2005, advances in technology have changed the way we communicate.
This week, we celebrate the 10th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. Since 2005, advances in technology have changed the way we communicate.
Social media can provide the real-time “what,” the “who,” the “why,” and the “how” if added to the larger information sharing environment.
NPSBN guidance for FirstNet as it constructs and implements the Nationwide Public Safety Broadband Network
Pre-planning internally and with your geographic neighbors before a catastrophic event will help save valuable time and critical resources.
Report date March 30, 2013
Comprehensive Prepardness Guide 201, Second Edition 2013
FEMA's website containing the findings from the report.
FEMA's website containing resources, updates and links.
Provides first responders with information on technology, resources, products, programs, standards, testing & evaluation and best practices.
Focuses its efforts at state & local levels to help communities understand flood risks and make cost-effective mitigation decisions.
Describes the role, design, and functions of Emergency Ops Centers & their relationships as components of a multi-agency coordination system
A Story of Community Resilience, the Potential of Social Media, and the Power of Good Choreography