ArcGIS Powers Mutual Aid Resource Planning to Improve Community Preparedness
How ArcGIS is being used to Improve Planning
How ArcGIS is being used to Improve Planning
Pre-planning internally and with your geographic neighbors before a catastrophic event will help save valuable time and critical resources.
The G&H approach to finding and managing information addresses the gap between discovering content and using it for your specific purposes.
Provides first responders with information on technology, resources, products, programs, standards, testing & evaluation and best practices.
Enables state agencies to learn about, adapt, and apply tools and processes that have worked in public programs.
Focuses its efforts at state & local levels to help communities understand flood risks and make cost-effective mitigation decisions.
Provides guidance and assistance for States, Territories, Tribal, and Local Government Jurisdictions and Private Sector Organizations,
This is a library of tools developed by school emergency managers and contains resources pertinent to the needs of local education.